What sustainability means to us

Sustainability is at the core of our design process. We are working to tackle society’s throw away attitude to clothing by designing garments from textiles that no longer serve the initial purpose they were designed for.

You will note that our pieces are dual sized; this adds flexibility into the garment, prolongs the garment’s time in your wardrobe as it will work around your evolving body shape and can also be loaned to friends of different sizes and body shapes.

We don’t follow seasonal trends; our garments look great in Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter; day and night. They look good for all occasions at anytime of year.

Our motto around sustainability is progress not perfection. I think when it comes to sustainability we can freeze with the fear of “getting it right” and like rabbits in the headlights this is not a good thing. We do what we feel is right and evolve, we will never be ‘done’, we will always strive to be better, we keep up to date with the latest technologies and have an open door policy when it comes to challenging and learning from each other.

All of our garments are designed and made in house in Whaley Bridge, Derbyshire, England. We have a small team that work on our garments that we pay at least the living wage for their skilled work.

Sustainability and ethics can be a subjective area. It is subjective in my eyes as everyone comes from a different angle informed by their experience. This is why visibility and transparency of what we do is paramount to us. That way you can see what we are doing and you as a consumer can make an informed decision if our product is right for you and in line with your own values. It also offers a chance for suggestions of how we can better grow our brand in a direction that is better for our planet.

— Louise x